Cihan Mediya issued by the KRG Ministry of Culture, and the Corporation lunched its official broadcast in Kurdistan Region in 2007
Vision & Mission
Vision & Mission
Vision: The idea behind the establishment of this Corporation started from a contribution made by Cihan Group.
Mission: Cihan Radio & TV worked in various fields and achieved huge success. Therefore: one of the best ideas set by the Group was to established a media corporation for its own under the name Cihan Radio & Television Corporation.
Branches & Locations
Branches & Locations
Erbil :100 metr. Main office Cihan University building 8
Phone | : 009647507066330 |
Phone | : 009647518218828 |
Website | : www.cihanhd.com |
: cihanradiotv@gmail.com | |
: cihanradiotv@cihan.com |